When in a Car Accident Who Makes the Claim?

When you are in a car accident, it can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. It is important to know who is responsible for making the claim. There are many factors that come into play, such as who is at fault and who has the proper insurance coverage. Knowing who to contact after an accident can help ensure that you and your vehicle are taken care of and that the situation is resolved quickly and efficiently. In this guide, we will discuss the different steps you should take when in a car accident, who should make the claim, and what type of insurance coverage is necessary.

When in a Car Accident Who Makes the Claim?

In the event of a car accident, the person who has suffered any damage or injury has the right to make a claim. The claim can be made against another driver or against an insurance company. Depending on the situation, the claim can be made by the individual involved in the accident, their insurance company, or a lawyer on their behalf.

When in a Car Accident Who Makes the Claim

Making a Claim

When making a claim, it is important to obtain all the necessary information, such as the other driver’s contact details and insurance information. It is also important to take photos of the scene of the accident and document any injuries or damage. Once all the necessary information is gathered, the individual can then file a claim with their insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company.

Types of Claims

The type of claim that can be made depends on the situation. Some of the more common types of claims include:

  • Property Damage Claim – This type of claim is for damages to the car, such as broken windows, dented body work, or any other damage caused by the accident.
  • Personal Injury Claim – This type of claim is for any physical or psychological injuries sustained during the accident.
  • Lost Wages Claim – This type of claim is for any wages lost as a result of the accident, such as time off work to recover from an injury or to make repairs to the car.
  • Medical Expenses Claim – This type of claim is for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident, such as medical bills or prescription costs.

Insurance Claims

In most cases, the insurance company will handle the claim and will provide guidance and assistance. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to hire a lawyer to represent the individual. In these cases, the lawyer will be responsible for filing the claim and ensuring that it is settled in a timely manner.


When in a car accident, the individual who has suffered any damage or injury has the right to make a claim. The claim can be made against another driver or their insurance company, depending on the situation. It is important to obtain all the necessary information, such as the other driver’s contact information and insurance information, and to document any injuries or damage. The individual can then file a claim with their insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company and, if necessary, hire a lawyer to represent them.

Related FAQ

1. Who is responsible for making a claim in a car accident?

The person responsible for making a claim in a car accident will depend on who is at fault. If the accident was caused by the negligence or recklessness of one of the drivers, it is that driver’s responsibility to make a claim. Generally, the driver who is deemed to be at fault will have to pay for any damages to the other vehicle, and may also have to pay for any medical expenses if the other driver was injured. If the accident was caused by a third-party, such as a faulty piece of road infrastructure, the driver who suffered the damage can make a claim against the responsible party.

2. What kind of information is needed to make a claim?

When making a claim in a car accident, it is important to have as much information as possible. This includes the contact information of any involved parties, as well as the date, time, and location of the accident. Photographs of the vehicles and the scene of the accident can also be useful. Any witnesses to the accident should also be identified, as their testimony can be invaluable in proving who was at fault. It is also important to have records of any medical bills or damages to the vehicle, as these will need to be included in the claim.

3. Are there any time limits for making a claim?

Yes, there are time limits for making a claim after a car accident. Generally, a claim must be filed within 1-2 years of the accident, depending on the jurisdiction. It is important to keep this in mind, as claims that are filed outside of this timeframe may be rejected.

4. Is it necessary to hire a lawyer for making a claim?

It is not necessary to hire a lawyer for making a claim after a car accident. However, it can be beneficial, as a lawyer can help to ensure that a claim is filed in a timely manner, and can also provide advice on the most effective way to pursue the claim. A lawyer can also help to negotiate a settlement with the other party, if necessary.

5. What if the other driver does not have insurance?

If the other driver does not have insurance, the driver who suffered the damage can still make a claim. In this situation, the claim will be made against the other driver’s personal assets. This means that the driver will have to pay for any damages and medical expenses out of their own pocket. It is important to note that this may not be a viable option if the other driver does not have sufficient assets.

6. What if the other driver does not agree with the claim?

If the other driver does not agree with the claim, the matter may have to be settled in court. This can be a lengthy and expensive process, and should be avoided if possible. If the other driver still does not agree with the claim, it is important to seek legal advice to ensure that the claim is handled in the most effective manner possible.

In conclusion, when in a car accident, it’s important to know who is responsible for making the claim. Depending on the specifics of the incident, the injured party may need to contact their own insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company. If the other driver is at fault, the injured party may be able to seek damages from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. It’s important to contact an experienced car accident lawyer to learn more about the claim process and to ensure the injured party receives the compensation they deserve.

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